The Journal of Tropical Futures: Sustainable Business, Governance & Development (JTF) is a peer-reviewed journal from SAGE Publications administered by James Cook University, Singapore. JTF is a multidisciplinary journal that promotes sustainable and responsible business, management and governance in the tropics.

Situated between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the countries that make up the tropics are largely developing in nature and some of the fastest growing regions in the world the  Journal of Tropical Futures (JTF) seeks to represent and address the complex and heterogeneous nature of the challenges facing these regions by exploring the interrelationship between business, management, political economy, development and the environment. We are particularly interested in the many tensions that exist between demands for economic growth, social and material wellbeing of populations and corresponding environmental impacts. Can the developmental needs of peoples be met in equitable ways by the expansion of business, trade and innovation in the tropics? What forms of responsible stewardship, organizational practice, resource management and governance might help navigate the unique and precarious concerns of the tropics?

Aims and Scope:

The mission of the journal is to help address challenges relevant to sustainable business and management, economic development, governance, and international trade in the tropics. Contributions to the following themes are welcome: Sustainable Tropical Environments: Public Policy, Regional Development and Governance; Human and Workforce Development; International Business and Trade in Tropical Regions; Sustainable Business and Social Responsibility; Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Marketing.

We publish rigorous empirical analyses (based on quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method research), as well as case studies, theoretical articles and conceptual reviews.

The complex challenges faced in the tropics demand multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. Therefore, contributions to the journal are welcome from scholars working in the fields, inter alia, of business, management, economics, trade, employment studies, tourism studies, political science, development studies, gender studies, sociology, social policy, anthropology and geography. JTF articles will be of interest and relevance to a range of readers, including, academics, practitioners and policymakers.

For further information of the JTF, please refer to the submission guidelines here: .