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The Peoples, Cultures, and Careers Research Cluster hosts doctoral and post-doctoral researchers and organizes a seminar series with guests, visiting, and JCU speakers.

Michelle K. Lee, Queen’s University
Title of Presentation:  Privilege and Prejudice: Shareholder Primacy and the Relevance of Social Class Backgrounds for CEO Contenders’ Selection Prospects
Date: June 23, 2023

Privilege and Prejudice: Shareholder Primacy and the Relevance of Social Class Backgrounds for CEO Contenders’ Selection Prospects

Assistant Professor Michelle K. Lee shares how changes in corporate America, particularly the rise of shareholder primacy, have amplified the preference for CEOs from upper-class backgrounds since the 1970s.

Inaugural Lecture (Cluster Launch):
Professor Banu Ozkazanc-Pan, Brown University
Title of Presentation: Transnational Perspectives on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Date: February 9, 2023

Transnational Perspectives on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Professor Eddy Ng and Professor Banu Ozkazanc-Pan discussed the conceptual contributions of transnational migration studies to the study of innovation and entrepreneurship focusing on the ways people, practices and ideas circulate globally, and with what consequences.

Upcoming Lectures (2023):

  • Lee Martin, University of Sydney, “40 under 40 most influential Asian-Australian”
  • Kathleen Park, Boston University