Events Ethics, Organisations and Society Research Cluster #1 - Rejection, failure, and success in academia

JCU Events

Mon, 18 Sep 2023

Ethics, Organisations and Society Research Cluster #1 - Rejection, failure, and success in academia

When: 18 September 2023, 4pm to 5pm
Location:Online Webinar

Success is very visible in academia. If you look at the social media accounts, web profiles and CVs of academics, they all tend to emphasise success and achievements. However, rejection and failure are much more characteristic of academic life as the vast majority of journal submissions and funding bids are rejected. Yet, rejection and failure are much less visible and rarely talked about. As a result, many academics – and emerging researchers in particular – are poorly prepared for the rejections they (inevitably) encounter and feel that they are less successful than their peers.

In this session, we will discuss that rejection and failure are essential parts of academic life, that they happen to everyone and that they are not something we should be unduly worried about. We will also discuss how we can respond to rejection and failure, and how we can learn from them. Finally, we will reflect on what failure and success mean in the context of academia.


Introduction of Webinar by Professor Emmanuel Adegbite
Introduction of the speaker, Associate Professor Florian Gebreiter
Presentation by Associate Professor Florian Gebreiter
Q&A session
End of webinar

Webinar time

4:00 pm GMT+8 (Singapore)

Speaker Profile

Florian GebreiterAssociate Professor Florian Gebreiter
Associate Professor
The Department of Accounting
University of Birmingham

Florian Gebreiter is an Associate Professor in Accounting at Birmingham Business School. His principal research interests lie in two areas. First, he examines accounting, accountability and control practices in the public and not-for-profit sectors. Second, he researches issues relating to recruitment, diversity, social mobility and professional socialisation at accounting firms. His research has been published in a range of international journals including Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, British Accounting Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting and European Accounting Review.

Moderator Profile

Professor Emmanuel AdegbiteProfessor Emmanuel Adegbite
Professor of Governance and Management
James Cook University, Singapore

Emmanuel Adegbite is a visiting Professor of  Governance and Management. His widely cited research on corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate finance, has been published in world-leading academic and professional outlets. His research has received prestigious awards, and in collaboration with others, has secured close to £500,000 in funding. Emmanuel works closely with businesses, NGOs and governments in promoting corporate accountability, especially in emerging and developing economies.

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