


The Private Education Act 2009 and Private Education Regulations 2009 was enacted in December 2009. The Private Education Act also establishes the Council for Private Education (CPE) to formulate and oversee the implementation of initiatives to regulate and develop Singapore’s private education sector. This includes the Enhanced Registration Framework and the EduTrust certification scheme. In October 2016, the Council for Private Education was renamed as the Committee for Private Education. With effect from 1 October 2024, the CPE will be dissolved and SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG) will directly exercise its functions and powers under the Private Education Act 2009 and subsidiary legislations.

EduTrust provides a framework for private education institutions to benchmark themselves against best practices. In 2015, we won the highest mark of quality awarded to a private education institution in Singapore, the EduTrust Star. James Cook University is the first organisation with EduTrust Star. By obtaining this award for the third time in 2023, James Cook University has displayed its commitment and focus as a student centric educational institution.

Fee Protection Scheme

Further, SSG requires all students to be covered under a Fee Protection Scheme and JCU Singapore adopts the Fee Protection Scheme Group Insurance with effect from 1 January 2020 and uses Lonpac Insurance as the provider of all policies taken out as part of the fee protection scheme.

For more details please visit the PEI website: or submit an enquiry/feedback here.