Alumni Alumni Stories Making I.T. big in Myanmar

Making I.T. big in Myanmar

Making I.T. big in Myanmar

According to the draft version of the Myanmar Telecommunications Master Plan, published by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Myanmar), Myanmar has a vision to connect over 90% of its population within 2020 by telecommunications network and 85% of the population to be covered by a network that provides internet access.

A range of services is expected to benefit from the vision especially with its intent to launch @MM, an initiative to "create a Myanmar internet innovation culture".

Riding this wave of connectivity is Bachelor of IT graduate Ying Woh Htwe, she shares with us about her ambitions to grow her three year old tech start-up, Source Code in Myanmar.

What are you up to right now?
I am running a company (Source Code Co., Ltd) which provides IT Solutions. Basically what we do is website development, custom application development, online advertising  to  branding  both locally and internationally.

To be specific, I am currently planning to launch an e-business which I have been working on for quite a while. Aside from work, I have decided to do MBA as well starting from this August. That pretty much about it.

You run your own IT business - Source Code Co., Ltd, tell us a bit about that. What is your current job role like? (You can describe briefly your daily job role)
Since Source Code Co., Ltd is just a start up, everyone at our company needs to wear many hats. For me, my daily job  role  ranges  from customer relations to project management, marketing, HR, Admin and most importantly directing where company is headed. As I am the leader of my team, I need to oversee the satisfaction of the clients, potential clients as well as the well-being of my teammates and the company itself.

Ying Woh Htwe with her team

What was the overall experience of managing your own business?
To say it in one word, it’s an “Adventure”. The best thing about it is I am constantly experiencing different things, learning new things, never the same stories.

If you could highlight one memorable encounter/experience with the startup, what would it be?
Seriously it is pretty hard for me to narrow to just one memorable encounter. There were a few though, for instance, the very first time when we got a customer who believed in us. The  very  first  time seeing a customer using our application and  working with my teammates through late nights to resolve unexpected errors which occurred just before the launch date.

The moment of glories, the moment of failures, are all unforgettable moments for me.

What would be some of the lessons learned or challenges faced?
The most difficult challenge I must say is human resource management. There are very limited skilled people with the right attitude and ethics.

Second is the infrastructure. Back in the day when we first started the company, we had only two internet service providers which offered very limited speed with sky high monthly fees. It’s like we were selling website without the internet. Well, we have past the storm.

How do you feel studying at JCU Singapore has helped you?
Education lays the foundation of the things that I am able to do now. Even though some of the lessons taught may not be reflective of actual real life scenarios, the experience still helps me in so many levels,  so  thank  you JCU.

What's next for your start up and for yourself?
My next plan is the expansion and improvising of my business. By expansion, I mean I would like to focus more on e-commerce territory and by improvising means I would be focusing on how to improve our existing services we offer to our clients or potential clients.

Any career advice?
I am not in the position to give an advice but here is one “Do not wait for the opportunity to arise. Create one! Believe in yourself and do your best at everything you do. ”