Alumni Achieving Success Through a Positive Outlook and a 'Can-Do' Attitude

Achieving Success Through a Positive Outlook and a 'Can-Do' Attitude

Achieving Success Through a Positive Outlook and a 'Can-Do' Attitude

Khin Kyi Phyu who studied Master of Business Administration (MBA), shares her stories of successes and experiences that shaped her career.


What are you up to right now?

I am working and learning at the same time to become an expert in the fields of accounts and finance in the Hospitality Industry. I am planning to take more finance-related subjects for further improvement as well.

Can you tell us more about your current role?

I am an Area Finance Manager in a local Hospitality group company. I am interested in how to monitor and control spending in order to increase profitability, even in my daily life. That made me decide to take on this role. I feel like my work is a playground.

If you could highlight one memorable experience in your working experience so far, what would that be?

Taking up ERP software training is one of the memorable experiences. Making many mistakes during the trial period and the process taught me that challenges make us grow, and practice makes perfect.

What are some of the lessons learned or challenges faced?

Stressing out too much can be a waste of time. The best way to handle any problem is to take action and look for a solution. Having good communication skills is important in order to effectively understand different perspectives and come to a resolution. It is also important to be open-minded and flexible enough to compromise when necessary. Finally, it is important to stay positive and to always have a “can-do” attitude. Never give up when it comes to tackling a problem, and always look for the bright side.

The biggest challenge I faced when transitioning from a telecommunications company to the Hospitality industry is learning the different operational procedures. As each industry sector may have its own unique procedures, it can be difficult for employees to quickly learn and master the different operations. Nevertheless, I managed to overcome the challenges by adjusting my approach.

How do you feel studying at the Singapore campus of James Cook University has helped you? What do you miss the most about your time at JCU?

Of course, studying here helped me a lot. I discovered that diversity is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and perspectives. Group projects with classmates; are the things I miss the most about my time at JCU. Any time I feel productive at work, it reflects my time at JCU.

What would be your advice for current students?

I am a firm believer in living life to the fullest and staying present in each moment. Being humble and kind is also a major key to happiness. Having balance in life is important, so don't forget to work hard and also make time for leisure activities to keep your mind and body healthy. Additionally, making more new friends is a great way to enrich your life and meet interesting people.

So, what's next for you?

I am making my way, step-by-step, to become a Chief Financial Officer in one of the many Hospitality Companies.
The next step is to become a Financial Controller for sure.