Outbound Exchange Why Exchange?

Why Exchange?

Why Exchange?


Experience a different campus life and culture.

Exchange students will get to experience how university life varies across continents. Beyond global academic sensibilities, each partner institution takes after the regional culture they are in, offering fresh and exciting university experiences for visiting students.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery by stepping out of comfort zone.

As students immerse themselves into their exchange destination, their existing worldviews and skills will be challenged in a new setting, acting as a catalyst to a potentially better self. Through the exchange experience, students may further cultivate global enthusiasm, better appreciate their own cultural roots and uncover something new and exciting altogether.

interracial students smiling portrait

Once-in-a-life-time opportunity for regional travel

During outbound exchange, numerous regional travel options will open-up. Students may take the weekends or term break to explore the neighboring regions at lower costs. Adventurous students can take the opportunity to tick items off their bucket list while studying and living abroad.

Establish new friendships around the world

Global friendships can be forged during outbound exchange program. From classmates at partner university to local community folk, the possibilities of growing one’s global network is endless. One could find a “second home” after studying overseas and establish deep relationships that will last for a lifetime.

business woman shake hands

Expand employment opportunities through networking.

The global exposure exchange students gained will earn them an edge when they enter the global workforce and lead to higher employability and more professional opportunities locally or internationally.

Add a unique achievement to one’s graduating resume

Student exchange is a great conversation topic to future employers. Exchange experience in the resume can communicate global enthusiasm, independence, and unique skillsets. The International Management Office (IMO) provides all-around support to outbound exchange students including:

  • Exchange completion certificate.
  • Recognition of student testimony in non-academic achievements from pre-exchange to exchange completion.