Research Early and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Mentoring Scheme

Early and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Mentoring Scheme

Early and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Mentoring Scheme

Early and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Mentoring Scheme

Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) are new and emerging researchers usually within their first decade of academic or other research-related employment, following completion of postgraduate research training.

Mentoring for early and mid-career researchers (EMCR) has been identified as an area of need for academic professional development purposes. The purpose of mentoring is two-fold: to build research capacity of academic staff and to enhance the human capital of our organisation.

Our EMCR Mentoring Scheme was established to help meet this need, with established academics making themselves available to James Cook University, Singapore's academics to provide guidance on EMCR development according to a mutually agreed-upon plan.

Benefits to mentees may include:

  • Developing new research and leadership skills
  • Identify areas of professional development and growth
  • Better strategic career planning
  • Establish access to new research and industry networks
  • More confidence in your own abilities
  • Increased job satisfaction

Benefits to mentors

  • Develop leadership and coaching skills
  • Increased organizational knowledge
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills
  • Gain satisfaction from helping others
  • Developing management skills
  • Increased job satisfaction

Benefits to JCUS

  • Retain and further develop talented staff
  • Cost effective way of growing research capabilities
  • Developing new leaders within the organization
  • Improve the research culture and interpersonal relationships at JCUS

Other information/considerations for mentors/mentees

A form is available in the LearnJCU JCUS Research org to be used to help frame the scope and expectations of both mentee and mentor. The form helps guide conversations about, but not limited to, the following:

  • Frequency and duration of meetings
  • What issues were discussed? What is the plan?
  • Ways to improve the program
  • Best thing about mentoring