Ms. Safwana Jamil

Ms. Safwana Jamil

Ms. Safwana Jamil

Senior Executive Digital Content Designer


  • Bachelor of Arts in Double Major in Communication and Media Studies & Web Communication, Murdoch University, 2018 -2020
  • Diploma in Interactive Media, Republic Polytechnic, 2012-2015
  • Certificate in Adobe XD UI/UX Training, Tertiary Infotech, 2020


Safwana obtained her first job as a content developer after completing her diploma in 2015, where she gained practical experience creating engaging and interactive content. This role allowed her to further refine her skills in graphic design, video production, and web communication.

Driven by her passion for continuous learning and growth, Safwana pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Double Major in Communication and Media Studies & Web Communication from Murdoch University in 2018. This program provided her with a comprehensive understanding of communication theories, media analysis, and digital marketing strategies.

With her strong background in interactive media, graphic design, video production, and web communication, Safwana is well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the digital landscape. She is committed to delivering high-quality and engaging content that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impression.