Current Students Book Prizes for the English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP) 2022-2023

Book Prizes for the English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP) 2022-2023

Book Prizes for the English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP) 2022-2023

Book Prizes for the English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP)

Singapore campus of James Cook University is honoured and encouraged to be able to enjoy the strong support of industry partners and well-wishers who believe in scholarship and academic excellence via the award of Book Prizes.

Starting November 2022, an ELPP Book Prize shall be awarded to the top performing ELPP student as shown in the Table below.

Year/Batch # ELPP
Levels 0,1 and 2
Level 3
Level 4
2022 Nov Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
2023/1 Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
2023/2 Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
2023/3 Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash
Top student gets
$50 cash

Each Book Prize comes with a Certificate and a $50 cash award (terms apply e.g. the recipient of the Book Prize award must remain a student at JCUS at the time of the award; other terms and conditions apply).  The award decision shall be made by JCUS based on established criteria, and the decision is final.

We once again thank our kind sponsor, Mr CHENG Jih Min