Current Students You said it. We did it.

You said it. We did it.

You said it. We did it.

Students – your voices are both valued and heard at the Singapore campus of James Cook University. We take student feedback seriously, and we act on them to constantly improve and optimise the learning experience. As we continue to work together, we want to let you know what we’ve done to address your concerns.

You said it!DateWe did it!Date
More vending machines SP53 2023 During the first week of March 2024, we successfully installed a new vending machine "Shake Salad" at Block C, Level 1. SP51 2024

You said it!DateWe did it!Date
Better space in
SP53 2023 The Library booking system is created and designed to cultivate a culture of respect, integrity, and authenticity within the library setting. By deterring seat hogging, the system aligns with the core values of fairness and equitable access for all. The anticipated outcome reflects respect by encouraging students to exercise consideration and courtesy towards their peers, fostering an environment where everyone can access library resources without undue hindrance. It upholds integrity by implementing a systematic and consistent approach through the QR code booking system, ensuring impartial enforcement of library etiquette. Moreover, the initiative embraces authenticity by transparently addressing the issue of seat hogging and conducive environment for learning and research. The QR code booking system aligns with these values to establish a library atmosphere characterized by mutual respect, ethical conduct, and a sincere dedication to fostering academic growth. SP51 2024

If you wish to provide suggestions/feedback, share it with us on our JCU Student Feedback Portal